Pinanius website offers an exciting activity that seeks to recreate as faithfully as possible a very complex ecosystem depending on the volume of the aquarium, the species of fish chosen, the plants… Good living conditions are therefore essential to the balance of the aquarium and therefore to the survival of fish.
Given that not all fish live in the same conditions and that natural environment purification systems are very difficult to reproduce in a basin isolated from the outside environment, achieving a balanced ecosystem is not an easy task. There are two main types of disease-causing pathogens in fish: so-called inanimate agents, i. e. environmental factors, and animate agents, i. e. living beings or viruses.
The pathology (study of diseases) of fish is complex and the diagnostic possibilities of the aquarist are often limited. However, it is known that many infections by animate agents (bacteria, parasites…) are favoured by poor living conditions. This is why it is essential to know how to control the fish environment in order to avoid the appearance of serious diseases.
It is therefore essential to know how to carefully control the various physical and chemical parameters of the basin, through regular hygiene and controls, appropriate equipment, and rational feeding. Sudden changes in these parameters are extremely harmful to fish and some gross errors should be avoided. In addition, the contribution of new individuals to this ecosystem must be done with caution, as they may be attacked or carriers of diseases.
It is recommended to have a quarantine aquarium, to allow isolation of sick animals (and their treatment) and observation of newcomers. This basin must not contain any plants or particular bottoms, but only a possible hiding place for the somewhat fearful species. It is also essential to use unique equipment for each aquarium, in order to avoid the transfer of diseases from one basin to another, or to disinfect them each time. Caution should always be exercised when handling the product, as it can cause injury. Attacks are also frequent when new fish arrive and the bites caused are sometimes serious. In all cases, there may be an over-infection with bacteria or fungi, to which the animal may succumb.
Superficial wounds can heal on their own, if they are not complicated. On the other hand, injuries to internal organs or very deep muscle injuries are very unlikely to heal and it is necessary to sacrifice the fish in order to avoid unnecessary suffering. Injured fish should be carefully caught and placed in a quarantine tank until they are healed. Caution must therefore be exercised in the handling of fish and in catches.
Finally, the number of fish and their diet must be chosen according to the species and size of the basin. These two parameters also strongly influence the occurrence of diseases in these animals.
For healthy fish in a balanced aquarium, take a few precautions! Visit our website daily for more updates about pet fish or any aquarium related stories! Don’t forget to share it with your friends!